Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Time Savers: Busy-Bag

Welcome to Tuesday Time Savers!!!  This is a new series that I'm starting to share the ways I make use of "little minutes" -- those times you aren't prepared to tackle a big job, but have just a slice of spare time to get something done.


  • Your doctor's appointment is scheduled for 2:00 pm, but your name doesn't get called until 2:15 pm...

  • Or, you have a list of errands to run and you got started a little too early.  The last store on your list doesn't open until 10:00 am and it's only 9:45 am...

  • Or, your sister said she'd meet you for lunch at 12:00 pm, but you just got a text that she's running fifteen minutes late.

Make the best use of your little spare minutes!  If you're out and about you can't accomplish much unless you're prepared.  Make yourself a busy-bag, filled with things you need to do. I take my planner with me everywhere.  Inside, I have my calendar, address book, to-do lists, along with bills that need paid, envelopes, and stamps.

If I have to wait for a few minutes, I take out my planner, update the calendar, check things off my lists, mail a bill that's due soon, plan next week's meals, write a grocery list, etc.  Then I don't have to sit down and do all of my paperwork at home.


1 comment:

  1. Good idea, I should adopt that! I usually read as its one of the few times I have the chance. I should put a list in with my book and maybe a bill or too...
