If I sing but don't have love
I waste my breath with every song
I bring an empty voice, a hollow noise
If I speak with a silver tongue
Convince a crowd but don't have love
I leave a bitter taste with every word I saycredit to: for King and Country
The words hit me like a brick wall. They're just the attitude adjustment I need today.
They take me back to my bible quizzing days. We spent a whole year studying 1&2 Corinthians. I knew the answers, but I didn't truly understand the impact of the words.
If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have
love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.1 Corinthians 13:1
No matter what I do, if I do it without love, it's worthless.
If I sing without love, it's just hollow noise. I sing the songs because I know the words and remember the tunes. Do I sing with love or do I waste my breath?
If I do my housekeeping without love, I leave a bitter taste. I get angry because no one is helping me, or because no one says "Thank you". I'm bitter because I go to work, then expect to keep house like I've been home all day.
If I write without love, am I just a clanging cymbal? Just another repetitive homemaking blog?
Look at our menu for this week. Clang.
This is how I clean. Clang. Clang.
Try this new recipe. Clang.
This is our daily routine. Clang. Clang.
It's so easy to let passion turn into mundane. The fire fades and I keep pushing. My excitement turns to routine. My mind wanders and I'm on auto-pilot. I start to settle for "good enough" instead of my best. The work starts to look like a burden.
The radio announcer said today, "Love should never be a burden." Think about that. It's true. If you love something, how could you ever see it as a burden?
But, isn't the converse true? If we see something as a burden, we're not doing it with love.
How can we be the loving people God has called us to be, when we're whining and complaining about these "burdens"?
So let my life be the proof,
The proof of Your love
Let my love look like You and what You're made of
How You lived, how You died
Love is sacrifice
So let my life be the proof,
The proof of Your lovecredit to: for King and Country
Love this!